Karjono Karjono, Tuhfatul Habibah Hasibuan


Limited land in the city of Bekasi is not an obstacle to farming. The idea that sparked in the minds of the residents of Mustika Jaya, Bekasi City was to form an Amanah Hidroponik Farmer Group in the Cimuning sub-district, Mustika Jaya District, Bekasi City as a Beginner's group with the inspiration to grow plants on public facility land called hydroponics. The problems faced are the low role and participation of residents in efforts to record ppm data and water temperature every 1 hour and a lack of knowledge about the importance of the data recorded on ppm data and water temperature every 1 hour. Through this community service activity, Training is given to farmers to monitor changes in PPM and water temperature through the application of digital technology. The ease of processing ppm information through the Android mobile application in real-time and the ability and success of mixing nutrient water and clean water by the ppm value that has been determined for the nutrition of each type of plant. This community service activity provides benefits for hydroponic plant farmers in controlling nutritions and monitoring plants. Apart from that, it can also reduce the risk of crop failure because it is controlled using a smartphone and also in real-time.

Keterbatasan lahan di kota Bekasi ternyata bukanlah hambatan untuk bertani. Tercetus di benak warga Mustika Jaya, kota Bekasi untuk membentuk Kelompok Tani “Amanah Hidroponik†kelurahan Cimuning, Kecamatan Mustika Jaya, Kota Bekasi untuk menumbuhkan tanaman di atas lahan fasum yang disebut hidroponik. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah rendahnya peran dan partisipasi warga dalam upaya pencatatan data ppm dan suhu air setiap 1 jam dan kurangnya pengetahuan tentang pentingnya data hasil pencatatan data ppm dan suhu air setiap 1 jam. Melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini, para petani diberikan pelatihan untuk melakukan monitoring perubahan PPM dan suhu air melalui penerapan teknologi digital. Kemudahan memproses informasi ppm melalui aplikasi mobile android secara real time, dan kemampuan serta keberhasilan mencampur air nutrisi dan air bersih sudah sesuai dengan nilai ppm yang sudah ditentukan untuk nutrisi setiap jenis tanaman. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakar ini memberikan manfaat bagi petani tanaman hidroponik dalam mengontrol nutrisi dan monitoring tanaman. Selain itu juga dapat mengurangi resiko gagal panen tanaman karena sudah terkontrol dengan menggunakan smartphone dan juga realtime.

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